12. First Aid for Heat and Sunstroke


Today we will talk about heat and sunstroke, their characteristics, what factors contribute to their development, and also we'll go through the first aid in these states. Hot weather, stuffy room, and many other factors harm the health of all age groups. Heatstroke is a painful condition caused by overheating the body due to prolonged exposure of high ambient temperatures. Overheating increases heat formation processes with the simultaneous reduction of heat transfer in the body, which causes a violation of its vital functions. Anything that disrupts the sweat secretion and evaporation contributes to overheating the body.

It is much easier to get a stroke from the heat than the sun. It is enough to cause a heat stroke by working hard in warm clothes that do not pass the air, or spend a few hours in a stuffy poorly ventilated room. Typical signs of thermal shock are: general weakness, drowsiness, headache, dizziness, face hyperemia, increased body temperature, sometimes up to 40 degrees Celsius. There are often dyspeptic disorders; diarrhea or vomiting. If the causes of overheating are not eliminated, the patient can get hallucinations or delirium. Then the victim loses consciousness, his face turns pale, the skin gets cold and cyanotic, sweating increases, pulse becomes frequent and weak. In these conditions, a person can die if he does not get urgent medical care.

Sunstroke is an acute painful condition that occurs due to overheating the head by direct sunlight. The sun is the main cause. But stuffiness, windless weather, overheating, drinking alcohol on the beach also contribute to the sunstroke. Typical signs of sunstroke are the red face, severe headache, and dizziness. The patient can feel the darkness in the eyes, nausea, in some cases vomiting. Nosebleeds and vision disorders are also typical. If you do not assist, the victim can lose consciousness. He suffers from shortness of breath, increased pulse rate, disturbed heart activity. Sunburn is often combined with skin burns, manifested by hyperthermia and the appearance of the bubbles. In terms of first aid, the action algorithm in heat and solar stroke is the same. First of all, eliminate the causal factor. The victim should be moved into the shade or a cold well-ventilated room.

Provide fresh air and call an ambulance depending on the severity of the condition. Lay the victim on his back. If the victim does not have enough air, it is better to ensure him half sitting. Free all tight clothing. If there are signs of consciousness violation, raise the victim's feet 10-15 centimeters above the head level. It will increase the blood flow to the brain and prevent oxygen deprivation of the nerve cells. Next, it is necessary to apply a cold compress on forehead. You can use a towel wetted with cold water as a compress, which cools the brain tissue. In case of thermal shock, it will also be useful to apply cold compresses on the extremities wrist, ankles. Re-wet the towel every two to three minutes in cold water. Continue the action for a maximum of 36 minutes or until the ambulance arrives. It is also allowed to spray the victim's body with cold water, but the water temperature should not be below 20 degrees Celsius. If the victim is conscious, to prevent dehydration you should offer a cold drink. If the victim has nausea and vomiting, and his consciousness is disturbed, move him to a stable lateral position, slightly tilting his face down. Such a position will prevent getting the vomit masses in the airways.

If the victim is unconscious and not breathing, immediately start CPR. It is the only way to save the patient's life.

Sun and heat strokes easily occur in children and the elderly. Due to age their body has certain physiological features, their internal thermal body regulation is imperfect. This group also includes people prone to fever, obesity, cardiovascular, endocrine diseases, or alcohol abuse. If you belong to one of these groups, be careful and try to prevent unpleasant complications.

Due to first aid, it is strictly forbidden to place the victim straight in cold water, it can lead to severe hyperthermia due to dilated blood vessels of the skin. However, you can take a cool shower.

Do not offer the victim alcohol. There are a few simple rules to prevent heat or sunstroke. It is necessary to create normal working and living conditions, comfortable temperature, humidity, and ventilation. The clothes selected in season will help to reduce the risk of thermal shock significantly. Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight on uncovered skin or bald head. Do not neglect to wear hats, limit physical activity in hot weather. At increased risk of thermal shock, the amount of fluid consumed per day should be increased by about 50-100 percent. This will prevent dehydration.

Let's summarize the video. Today you have learned how to recognize heat and sunstroke, & the factors that affect their development. You have got acquainted with first aid algorithm in these cases.

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