

My goal in this project has been mainly to search for appropriate quotations and commentaries that would shed more light into this astonishing Book of Daniel. The idea from the beginning was to go through the prophetic chapters of the book, starting with chapter 2 and then on to chapters 7 thru 12, and verse by verse, find and choose Bible cross references, fitting commentaries, pictures, images and charts that would catch the imagination of the reader, to keep his interest, as well as to make it easier to grasp and visualize God’s often mysterious revelations. The prophecies in the Old Testament book of Daniel are not very well-known nor understood by most, but they are nevertheless the key to understanding the New Testament End Time prophecies.

Each Bible verse or group of verses in the classes is either introduced or followed by commentaries. Although some of the comments and timeline charts are mine, the material in this book does not originate with me only. I used a number of resources which are listed in the bibliography. Many of these quotations were rephrased and edited to fit each verse, as well as to keep the classes compact, and I continue to update and add new clarifications as needed.

These classes are not comprehensive by any means as I wanted to keep them short and easily understandable to as many people as possible. I am a missionary and not a formal theologian, nonetheless there is a lot to learn here. My goal has been to provide a simple, basic and general picture of the visions and prophecies of the book of Daniel, not too dogmatically I trust, with the idea to be prepared and to apply its message as if we were to be the very ones destined to live some of those future events. And who knows, maybe we will be.

My hope is that you will grow in your knowledge of God’s great plan for you personally and for this world. There is a plan. God is in control. Now is the time to prepare for what is coming ahead, to study the Words from Heaven and absorb all that God has said. For in those coming days of darkness, things of the earth won't mean so much. What will matter then is our knowledge of the Word. Are you ready?

“…Whosoever reads it, let him understand…” (Matthew 24:15)


Authors frequently consulted and referred to in the text:

Anderson, Sir Robert. (1841-1918) The Coming Prince. Grand Rapids, Kregel, 1975.

Culver, Robert. Daniel and the Latter Days. Chicago: 1954 by Moody Press.

Eastman, Al, Noel Lawrence; Belmont, Max; Philips, Bill; Christians, Michael and North, Lydia. Thrilling Pictures of the Future! Zurich, Switzerland: World Services, 1989.

Gooding, David W. The literary structure of the book of Daniel and its implications. Tyndale Bulletin 32, 1981.

Lennox, John C. Against the Flow. Oxford UK: Monarch Books, 2015. Kindle Edition.

Lyall, John. https://endtimeupgrade.org/.

MacGregor, Scott. Daniel the Prophet. 2010. PDF book. The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist. By Aurora Production AG, 2012 edition.

McMillion, Mark. The prophecies of Daniel. <http://www.propheciesofdaniel.com/>. Web. 13 July, 2014.

Roy, Michael. The Book of the Future. PDF book, 1983.

Roy, Michael; MacGregor, Scott. The Future Foretold. Aurora Production AG, 2008.

Smith, Jerome. Nelson’s Cross Reference Guide to the Bible. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc. 2007.