5f. Survival Garden Crops


  1. Bean (staple crops) protein, vits and minerals. Bush or pole beans.
  2. Corn (beans can grow up corn stalk)
  3. Squash (3 sisters) ground cover
  4. Cabbage
  5. Potatoes (staple crop in a survival situation)
  6. Kale (cold tolerant and nutrients)
  7. Sweet potatoes. The greens are edible.
  8. Lentils. 5 inches apart, trellis.

  1. Growing herbs: thyme, rosemary, sage, lavender
  2. Sweet potatoes: calories + nutrients
  3. Yams (this is not a sweet potato)
  4. Potato. A calorie crop
  5. Banana (calori + nutrients)
  6. Papaya
  7. Zucchini
  8. Pumpkin
  9. Pigeon peas
  10. Peas. There are many different types & it creates a ground cover & nitrogen fixer. When dried they can last in the pantry for years. Harvest and preserving.
  11. Perennial greens: Moringa
  12. Spinaches (perennial spinach)
  13. Medicines: Tumeric & ginger
  14. Peppers
  15. Herbs: cumin, oregano, basil, cilantro, dill,
  16. Tomatoes
  17. Garlic
  18. Onions
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