About Me

Me again smaller 2


Greetings. Following is a little personal background information:

Born in French Canada, I grew up on a farm outside the city of Montreal. In my teen years I started travelling and following the Hippie culture of those days. By 1974 my wanderings had taken me to the USA, then to Mexico and Central America as far as Panama. Like most young people of my generation, I was searching – for what I didn’t know - but it was in reality a search for truth and meaning. Our generation sought for peace and love and protested against war; the race for materialism of the older generation did not appeal to us. During that 1974 trip I met young people in three different countries who shared their faith with me. (The Lord was after me, it seems.)

Finally, after returning to Montreal, I came to know Christ while meeting young people who had participated in the Jesus Revolution which began 1969 in California. (By the way, the radical exploits of this movement have appeared in the news a lot because of the recent movie Jesus Revolution.) I am not from any particular Christian denomination, neither do I consider myself overly religious. I am simply a believer in and follower of Jesus Christ. Shortly after my coming to Christ, I began to do humanitarian and mission work, first in my own country, and then for thirty years in Mexico. And I’m still at it, dividing my time and working now in both Montreal and Mexico.

Almost two decades ago, this End Time studies project got started with my own teenagers. Eventually, this series of classes and studies were translated into Spanish for our weekly Bible classes there in Mexico. My goal was and still is to shed more light onto these remarkable prophecies in the Books of Daniel, Revelation and other individual chapters. The idea from the beginning was to go through each Book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, and search, find and choose Bible cross references, fitting commentaries, pictures and charts that would catch the imagination of the reader, keep his interest, as well as make it easier to grasp and visualize God’s mysterious revelations. Although I am not a formal theologian – I am a missionary - nevertheless, I think there is much to learn here.

Welcome to this site. Happy reading, studying and growing in faith. Feel free to write with any question or comment you may have. God bless you!
